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Thursday, March 11, 2010



The four syllable word that means "okay".

Yeah, that's definitely a necessity in the English lexicon. Oh, my biting sarcasm.

It's not as if there are words like "fair", "average", "content", "alright", "well", or even the omnipresent "good" which would suffice otherwise.

So it's the same notion as my prior whilst post, which stated graphically, "In the time it you to type "whilst", you could have typed something else. Dumbass!"

Instead of saying copacetic, just say one of the several other words your synapses recalled first, so you don't sound like a pretentious douche-nozzle.

Glad I could help. God, I am a smug 'unt!


BURGER. Say it ten times. Burger.

Perhaps no other word--phonetically or meaningfully--symbolizes the plight of American society. Yeah, that's a bold statement, now, I'll try to back it up.

First off, burger is an abbreviation of "hamburger", which is apparently too long a word for people to pronounce completely. Anyways, the word is used so prominently that it requires truncation anyhow: Hamburgers are of course the popular food which often symbolizes for our overweight society.

Furthermore, it just sounds like sloth. BER-GHER. The more you say it, the worse it sounds.

Also, it reminds me of the first pornographic movie I watched when I was just a wee-lad; it was called Furburgers. It took place in a drive-through bergher joint. You want fries with that? Hooooo! Side of mayonaise? Hoooo! Hold the pickles? Hoooo! Gross, right!

Whether or not the word burger evokes images of overweight debauchery or d-grade cheese porn, it's pretty disgusting, so, I kick it to curb. Later!

Thursday, March 4, 2010


The polar cousin of fail is win.

Both of these words were borne on the Internets and are therefore rooted in prepubescent subculture.

If you ever say "[something] is win", then you've already lost.

Once again, the echo chamber of society popularizes mantras that are propagated naturally and used unthinkingly.

Let's strive for a better world by not saying dumb things every one else says, because everyone else is the enemy. Intelligence; use it or lose it!


Ok, so I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel. This implies a negative connotation unless you love pulpy orange juice, then you'd be stoked. Anyways:

The word fail. Used too much these days. So, eff the word and eff the users. If you haven't picked up on it already, the premise behind many sucking words is that people use them because other people use them. That'd be fine if most people weren't reltatively stupid. Sure, I'm putting on airs here, but 50% of the people in America have IQs less than 100, something like 84% have IQs less than 115. Okay, that's pretty dumb. My IQ is like, HELLA HIGH!

So, if you are using words or colloquialisms because other people use them and they're somehow entrenched in your vernacular, take a step back, and realize that you're molding yourself after people who are probably somewhat dull. It's lame to be an elitist, which I'm doing now, so I apologize. I'm being smug and douchebaggish, but there are better--more articulate, more individualistic--ways to express something that's gone horribly awry, as opposed to using some anachronism popularized by 15-year-olds five years ago.