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Thursday, February 25, 2010


This week, I will be abolishing a couple more words from our collective lexicon. First up is this word: plethora.

Why plethora? Because there are zounds of words that mean the same thing, but no one uses anything but plethora.

Off the top of my head, here are some synonyms: myriad, zounds, legions, an abundance, innumerable. Okay, so I can’t recall a lot of them.

But, here are some more: surfeit, deluge, plenty, surplus, bounty.

So, quite simply, there are many different colorful words to express the same thing. But most people just use plethora, which causes most other people to use plethora. It perpetuates itself. I’m tellin’ ya, that’s how evil this word is. It self-multiplies!

Avoid mob mentality; use different words. Especially synonyms that may or may not exist, like googleplex, because, at the very least, you are provoking thought from your listeners, and keeping your own brain warmed up.

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